martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010


Open talk given by Fernando A. García at the Park of Study and Reflection La Reja (Argentina), on Saturday September 25, 2010, as an activity of The Community for Human Development (" Humanist Rebellion” base team, Frías 262, Buenos Aires).

The recent disappearance of Silo’s physical presence places us in an important turning point. It is a one-time event that we have never experienced in our process before. It marks a “before” and “after” in the history of our Work and in our personal biography. This, as all can understand, it is of very important and long-lasting consequences.

As if such a thing was little, we are also beginning a stage of great decentralization and general autonomy that involves the Parks, the organisms of the Humanist Movement among them and within each one of them, the communities of “Silo’s Message”, etc. Each of these environments is implementing that decentralization and autonomy with its own characteristics.

Jointly as well as individually, we are in a situation of laying down the “conditions of origin”, that is to say the staring condition of that long process marked by the physical absence of Silo. Those “conditions of origin”, as such, will condition the later development of every process. This will have different consequences, individually as well as for the whole we all belong to.

In front of this situation, we can take different attitudes or positions. We are as always in front of the freedom of option among conditions. We know that choosing is indeed unavoidable, and that not assuming the election actively is choosing too.

The coverage of this chat (certainly brief and not exhaustive) does not include specific issues related to our joint organization, such as activities, organizational setups, etc. The object of this chat is the individual psychological situation of each one of us placed in this situation, and the aim is trying to contribute something that can be of help. That is to say, I am interested in the psychological “conditions of origin,” or, if you may, the mental direction from now onwards. If it is the right one, every error of dance step will be amendable and a source of teaching. If it is not, it will be very difficult to notice the errors and more even to correct them. In simple terms, as Silo used to say in colloquial tone, “it is necessary to set the head right."

Personally, I am immersed in that reflection process, and I would like to share with you some of the points that I am taking into account. I pretend neither to exhaust the topic, nor to make what I outline here be taken necessarily as a model. I rather intend to open the subject and make it public, so that whoever feels the need takes it into account. I would rather like to promote these or similar reflections.

I believe that a moment of reflection is fitting, without disturbing the activities that we are carrying out: which would the best way be of thinking, feeling and acting in front of this new situation? How to take advantage of this new situation for the good of all and of oneself? How to give this an upward sense? How to identify and to leave behind what is no longer useful to us, while we reinforce what will be useful to us in the new stage? Which is the “main mast” of my ship, the one that I will be tied up to - as Ulysses did - in moments of keels, of confusion and disorientation? And so many other similar questions that we find opportune.

I meditate, and I tell myself to myself things such as these: Its individual prosthesis, its body, disappears but now its reborn and enlarged new prosthesis is the whole group of us who drive the different parts of his Great Work. That is to say, his prosthesis manifests itself now in an enlarged and powered-up way in a great body disseminated in all the latitudes of the world, and it takes the most diverse shapes in terms of races, cultures, genders, customs, virtues, capacities, etc.

Silo manifests himself now through this “psychic people," as he called it, forerunner of the Universal Human Nation. Silo keeps on being more present than ever, renewing himself and increasing his presence through the School, the communities of "Silo’s Message," the Humanist Movement and each of its organisms. And the physical base common to all of it, its centre of gravity, is the group of Parks of Study and Reflection, or, if we may, the Park of each one of us. Here is where Silo’s presence will be felt --as Spiritual Guide-- stronger than ever.

Silo has not disappeared. Rather, as Spiritual Guide, he is more present than ever in our hearts. Silo has only changed shape and manifestation. As the Ceremony of Death well says, his live presence will grow without limits, the more his Work grows, a Work that today, more than ever, is also our Work. And Silo will be even more present, the more we humanize the earth.

His character of Spiritual Guide, far from being blurred or fade away with the disappearance of his body, grows even larger. The Myth has already been born and it continues growing.

By itself, nobody individually will ever be able to replace Silo and the functions he fulfilled for our group. Nobody concentrates on itself the qualities that he gathered. Not only this substitution is impossible, but also I believe that it is not convenient for us. It would be like taking a step behind in our growing process, and not forward. And aware of it, he delegates in all of us (without exceptions) the mission to enlarge and to take his legacy to the new stages of its development. His physical disappearance accelerates even more that process of delegation of functions that he himself had begun already a long time ago. The outcome of it will be a decentralized (and therefore less vulnerable) group, flexible and not rigid, diversified and not uniform, but convergent. No matter how diversified it may be, everything will carry our codes. In sum, a group even more enriched, intelligent, stronger, etc.

Far from bringing us down, this new mission motivates us, makes us enthusiastic, it offers us one more chance to reciprocate all the big and good that he gifted us. It is the time to translate the "Thank you Silo!" into actions.

It is each one's call to decide now whether to accompany this leap of quality in our process or to remain attached to the past.

It is each one's call to decide now to transform this apparent absurdity of his death in a reinforcement of the Purpose and the Meaning that drives us.

As the Epilogue of the work of Self-knowledge[1] suggests, if our own reflection was not enough to make us decide for change, it would be "the empire of the circumstances" that will put us in the unavoidable situation of doing it.

Let us see some quotes to give us even more context. Silo urged us in similar terms with his final words from Punta de Vacas, on May 4 of 1999, when he announced the nascent new spirituality and he urged us to assume it in our lives.

But the triumphant of today cannot be assured of their victory in the future, because a new spirituality is beginning to express itself all over the world.” … “If today we must declare our failure, we must also announce a new civilization that is being born: the first planetary civilization in human history. And therefore, the crises that now beset us and are still to come in the near future will serve, despite their misfortunes, to surpass this final stage of human prehistory... and each person will know whether or not they decide to accompany this change; and each person will comprehend whether or not they seek a profound renewal in their own life."

In the Letter of Mario to Kurt[2], in Mendoza, dated 21st August 1977, Silo announces the closing of the School that would take place on 1st March 1978, and the formation of the Order inside the School. In this letter, there are essential aspects that, in spite of the time passed and the change of circumstances, in my view are still current.

". The explanations on Doctrine, with all its difficult topics, will continue being given until 1st March 1978.

On 1st March 1978, the School will close, I think, for several years. That is to say, that from now on we will start to qualify new people so that they master all the doctrinal topics and so that those who are in conditions, can postulate themselves on that 1st March. The entrance will be without any limitation of quota whatsoever, being able to postulate themselves also all those who were deferred in the previous closing.

Now then, meanwhile, we will start an Order inside the School. This Order will be basically formed with all those who register that religious feeling that has been discussed in some occasions. We will indeed only accept School people in it (since ideologically are clarified so as not to fall into an absurd or ignorant mysticism). However, of that group of School, only the "tough" will be able to participate. By “tough,” we understand those who have fulfilled what they promised last year at the closing of the School. That is to say, those who pushed, be it by forming groups, producing material, helping in contacts, clarifying, reproducing, fulfilling the fundraising campaigns and, in general, those who did not put difficulties but rather made the process positive.

We will not accept in the Order those who fail in those points.[3] We will not accept those who, in general, confuse the primary values with the secondary ones. Anyway, with them there will not be problems in the School; but, with regards to the Order, it will be different, since it will be formed by women and men able to not only change their personal destiny, but the destiny of humanity.

We need broad and generous spirits. Tenacious spirits still when the world falls to pieces around them. People with a great religious spirit that enables them to feel their task within a greater process transcending the small, hesitant and mean individuality.

We need mystics in the best sense of the word.

Starting from the closing of 1st March 1978, we will no longer explain neither more Doctrine nor difficult topics, because a strong and ideologically clarified minority will already exist among us. From that date onwards, things will be easier, because it will be about converting the pagans to a new faith (not to a new idea), to new moral Principles, to a new way of life.

The world begins to stagger in these moments and we do not have left a lot of time to launch our message. And our message will have to be simple, true and spiritual –above all, spiritual.

Dear Kurt: we would like to give you a mission of importance that will span several countries and will be related directly with the Order.

In the Seasonal Party of 21st September, we will meet in Mendoza with a few from all the continents. Somebody will come from Asia and from Europe, and from other points. We will be very few: perhaps five or six, but enough to start the Order in the whole world.

Right now, I caution you that such a measure does not enjoy the sympathy of those who do not want to do things seriously. Well then, it should remain clear that although whole areas could explode and hundreds of people get disoriented, if we obtain a few who are able to understand and to carry forward all this, our fourteen year-old work will have yielded its fruits. We would have obtained the appropriate human material for such a gigantic endeavour. We already care for no other thing in the world, but carrying our mission out.

Do receive a big hug and answer quickly about your arrival on 21st September.


P.D.: Please request the "tougher” ones to help you economically, since your return will be recalling Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico and all the areas of the U.S.A."

Let us notice how, while speaking of the composition of the Order within the School, he is giving us some of the characteristics that, in spite of the passage of the time, still today are current. But, above all, the words convey the spirit that should drive those of us who want to give our best for our Work.

I believe that the formative theme of "The Book of The Community" titled "The Change and the Crisis"[4] may also be read again with profit, under the light of our own situation in these moments.

In 1990, as proposed by Silo, some of us worked on what was then called "The Jubilee."[5] Silo proposed this to us, announcing the change of world in the making and the necessity of adapting ourselves to this change in a growing way. I quote for you part of those notes taken at that time:

“We also have to consider that we have conditions of origin. I hope that we will be able to modify some without producing abrupt changes, but on the march.

This of the conditions of origin applies to the Movement, the lines and the individual.

There are conditions of origin that are not effective to launch new processes. For example, certain mental attachments to past epochs.

Why do not we agree of doing away with a number of things that have us caught up and that have to do with the structure?

Sometimes there get established discordant relationships that are not convenient for us to begin clean processes towards the future.

These things do not get fixed with hugs, since it is necessary to fix them in my head. We are proposing a sort of "psychological jubilee."

We do not speak of forgetfulness, but of another thing. From today onwards, whatever happened happened. It is not convenient for us to remain attached; we lose operability.

This does not get fixed by saying, "We are such good friends!” This gets fixed with the other within oneself.

Thus we can launch a process with some conditions of origins changed."

The "Epilogue" of “Self-Liberation” is a very useful material for these circumstances, mainly if we carry it out keeping in our mind our “formation landscape” within our joint task, the initial times of our participation. There we will find the current values of those times, the sensibility, the priorities, the styles, etc. Toward 1991, that material also urged us: "Study then, the "dragging" of those times as regards action and of "sensibility."[6]

Quite probably, we will need to reconcile with facts and people, not only of the past, but also of the imagined future; not only with others, but also with ourselves. To that end, I consider with special regard Silo’s words on reconciliation during the “Three Days of Spiritual Inspiration” (May 3, 4 and 5, 2007), at Punta de Vacas.[7]

As example, let us remember only some few sentences together:

“If we are searching for sincere reconciliation with ourselves and with those who have hurt us intensely it is because we want a profound transformation of our lives. A transformation that takes us out of resentment where clearly no one reconciles with anyone and not even with themselves. When we are able to understand that an enemy does not live in our interior but rather a being full of hopes and failures, a being in whom we can see in a short succession of images, beautiful fulfilling moments and also moments of frustration and resentment. When we are able to understand that our enemy is a being who also has lived with hopes and failures, a being who has had beautiful fulfilling moments and also moments of frustration and resentment then we are placing a humanizing look over the skin of monstrosity.

“This path towards reconciliation does not appear spontaneously, as in the same way the path towards non-violence does not appear spontaneously. Because both require great comprehension and the formation of a physical repugnance to violence.

“It will not be us who judge errors, neither our own nor those of others. For that there is human retribution and justice and by the stature of the times in which their dominion is exercised. I don't want to judge myself nor judge others...I want to deeply understand in order to clean my mind of all resentment.”

There are many questions that I can ask myself to carry out an examination of my mental direction in the new stage. For instance, "Do my actions have in others my target of freedom? Do my actions finish in others or in me? To what extent do I place the interest of the whole as a primary? Do I try enlarging my head to understand our joint matters, or do I reduce our joint matters so that they fit the dimensions of my head? Do I accept or exercise manipulation? Do I really value the contribution of the others or only mine? And many other similar ones.

"The Path" from the book "“Silo’s Message”" contains very appropriate sentences for an internal examination and reflection before the new stage. In particular, the questions “Who am I?” and “Where am I going?

Adapting a little Silo’s words in Bombay, on 1st November 1981, during his world tour, we can ask ourselves: Is it necessary for me and for others that I change or reinforce my direction in this new stage?

We also remember "The Most Important Issue: To Know If One Wants to Live, and in What Conditions" from the “Fifth Letter to My Friends,” in “Silo - Complete Works Vol. 1.” We may adapt it and ask ourselves, "Do I want to continue participating in this new stage, and in which conditions I want to do it?” [8]

"The Aphorisms," which are in "The Book of The Community"[9] since 1981, also offer us an interesting support for the reflection. Sometimes, without realizing much of it, we repeat to ourselves certain negativity-producing thoughts about the situations that we happen to live in; thoughts that, on the other hand, we have not revised to comprehend the "reality" that we build with them. Sometimes, that "reality" that we build does not liberate us or makes us happy; it does it neither for us nor for others. It is a "reality" that intimately we do not love, and that has polluting consequences in our relationship life within the joint activities.

Those who advanced in the work with the Disciplines know that the projected Purpose works from the attentional co-presence, providing a course to the consciousness in search of certain objects that are situations, behaviours, landscapes, activities, etc. This image of the future, as a tracer image, conditions the searches and the choices that derive from it. Then, maybe it is now in our interest to connect that Purpose well with our Work in this new stage.

The mental direction is traced by the image of a future we aim at. This image will condition from the co-presence our choices, our behaviour, and more, accepting that which brings us closer to such an image and rejecting that which takes us away from it. Then, it maybe convenient to revise that image of the future referred to our participation in the joint matters during the new stage. How do we imagine and wish those joint matters to be in that new stage? How do we imagine and wish ourselves in that future that we imagine? Personally, I have a certain distrust of those future images in which the "I-me-mine-myself" appears very prominent; while I know, also by experience, that there are others that take me away from the possessive and contractive reflex[10] that contaminates with contradiction all that it touches.

And there may come up spontaneously several questions such as, for example, “Under which circumstances the work of my reversibility mechanisms diminishes strongly in me and I deviate from my Purpose?” “Which is my weak point to reinforce, i.e., my ‘Achilles heel’?”

The subject of participation in joint tasks puts into play the aspects of "convergence" and "diversity." For example, we could review things and realize that what is diverse from oneself or our own things is not necessarily, and due to this mere fact, antagonistic. For example, we could discover that it is not always necessary to encourage disputes when the stands on an issue are different. Teamwork has to do with this and other aspects. This way, we could review the proportion existing between the criticisms we make and the solutions we contribute; between our criticism and our contribution with applied work. Hence, an old proverb of "The Community" said: "A good offer is worthier than a criticism."[11]

We can meditate on our behaviour from the point of view of the different ways of adaptation, i.e., simple, growing and decreasing; or those of the relationships of domination, exchange or destruction.[12]

During this work, it would be interesting to be able to raise the gaze and get to look beyond the temporal and perceptual environment in which we move habitually, with a bigger amplitude to give us perspective. To be able to move our own point of view across those that, in another moment, were called the "visions of the farmer, the aviator and the astronaut."

We could formulate such questions as, for example: How much and in which way does the "look" of others condition my participation? Do I acknowledge and value what others contribute to the whole? Whenever I have to make decisions that involve joint matters or other people, do I meditate on the consequences that this may have? Do I love our people, or just a few kindred among them? Which virtues do I want to put at the service of the whole? Am I supporting our joint task actively? How can I improve my active contribution to the whole? Am I willing to take charge of a part of the common task? Do I have clear what I want to support actively or am I a leaf in the wind? Do I always move only according to pleasure and tendency, or sometimes I also choose according to what is necessary for the whole?

We could examine our condition under the light of themes such as "giving" and "receiving", of unity and contradiction, of the valid action, of the acts that end in oneself and those that end in others, of the internal and external coherence, the proportion among wisdom, kindness and inner force; and many others more that we all remember.

For those that have made their levelling work[13] more or less recently, we can find material for reflection in our card in which we noted down the to short, medium and long term projects, in the review of the works of Self-knowledge[14]. There we also find the factors that, acting from the co-presence, have to do with our mental direction: the reverie nucleus, the primary and secondary reveries, the scale of values, etc.

To reinforce our intention, we can appeal to several inspiration sources: Silo himself and his example, the internal guide, the aphorisms, other models, etc. And indeed, there is also a wide range of practices to produce or reinforce positive changes.

The spirituality or religious feeling, in general, and the new spirituality that is being born in the world, has always been among our fundamental topics. Already since May 4, 1999, Silo announced it at Punta de Vacas. I find that this is of fundamental and critical importance for assuming the right mental attitude and for giving us a proper mental direction in the new stage. For example, I remind you of some recent considerations, for instance at the Park of Study and Reflection Los Manantiales, May 28, this year.[15]

"And the new generations and new people and others, how do they have their head? How do they place their head? What projection do they make with their head? Will they continue thinking as it was thought in other times, in the organization of human groups to lead, that thing? No. That is an antiquity, something boring, and it doesn't work. And it doesn't work. They will have to do things with meaning. To make things done have meaning, there will have to be a new horizon. How would we call it? A spiritual new horizon. I know that the word spirit creates problem. Indeed, of course, imagine, from the French Revolution until today… two hundred years hammering. Well, we don't care at all. A spiritual new horizon is needed."

"And we believe that that spiritual new horizon is being born in the world, while, simultaneously, all the structures go on disintegrating."

"... And if there is not a new horizon, we won't be able to place ourselves in this situation with things of another time. Things of other times that moreover nobody wants. Nobody wants…."

“We only have a toast that to make and raise the glasses. In front of the whole disgusting thing that there is in the world, in front of this disintegration, to this centrifugal thing, in all sense, there is the creation of synthetic life. You will say, "Ah, good, but they will take advantage for…" They will take advantage as they please, but that phenomenon, has never taken place before. And it is a completely new phenomenon that will bring about plenty of consequence. If in front of this disintegration and this total decadence phenomena of that type start appearing, we will come across the tail of the new times. There are symptoms of new times; not only the overflows. It is an aspect. There are other things. There is a new horizon. Clearly a new horizon is taking shape."

"As our dear ancestors, already very distant, said, "Neither god nor master." But let there be a divine spirit in people. Hey! Come on! A minimum of poetry. One cannot be such a beast. It is something intolerable. A minimum of poetry. And a horizon is opening up. Do we want to call it a horizon of poetry, in practice? Good, whatever. A "new spirituality?" Good, why not? But another mental frontier is opening up, without any doubt!"

"This won't finish in this fall, like a little candle that goes on getting extinguished... everything diminishing. No, here there will come a big one! Good, good. Something good."

I believe that faced with that psycho-historic perspective, we will not only have to adapt to it as a whole in a growing way, but also as individuals. I believe that whatever is not imbued of that new spirituality, in the future would not have the direction and the necessary strength to open its way.

The physical disappearance of Silo puts us of in front of the finitude, and maybe it inspires us questions like: Which will be thecontribution that I will make to the world with my life? How would I like to remember myself and be remembered when my life comes to its end?

This small work that I am carrying out - and that I recommend - consists of an examination task, the most deep and honest as is possible of our "internal landscape" and its direction, and of a serene reflection to understand our internal condition at its root. For all this, we have a vast bibliography for inspiration and reference, remembering within it the Manuals for the Personal Formation of the Members of the Humanist Movement[16] and that of Formative Themes for the Messengers[17]. As when one undertakes a trip, one chooses what things to take and what things to leave behind.

This will allow us lastly to take the resolutions that are of interest for the issue we are dealing with: modifications and/or reinforcements of our condition of origin in this new stage, modifications and/or reinforcements of our mental direction. Perhaps several proposals will arise from it, and it will be convenient to summarize them, and, lastly, to synthesize them in a sentence, allegory, register, etc., associated to an emotional charge. Then we will be able to make use of the tools of personal work we know, to see to it that such willed direction stays active in our co-presence, being able to frequently evoke it in a simple and speedy way.

These examinations and reflections might be carried out in small groups as much as individually. Each one might organize his/her own program counting on inspiring readings, supports for examination, reflection, decision-taking, formulation of proposals, etc. Each one can make it according to his/her liking, virtues, etc. Some prefer to dialogue with others rather than writing; others prefer to think and then write; others prefer to have a dialogue, then think and ultimately write, etc. Given the existing diversity of situations among us, it is unlikely that one way will fit all.

To conclude, let us say that this presentation had to be necessarily this way: de-structured, incomplete, and with uneven levels. This way we favour not leaving the impression of a model to stick to, but rather simply the interest for a theme of special interest in the circumstances we find ourselves. That is, to examine our own "condition of origin" in front of the new stage of our Work, and to see how to take advantage of this turning point to improve our participation in it. If the interest for this is there, each one will solve it in his/her way.

Lastly, as we did along with Silo in this very Park, I invite you to carry out a brief asking for the best for all us in this new stage, so that everything comes out very well for us.

(Joint asking)

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, and I wish you all plenty of peace, force and joy!

Fernando A. García. Buenos Aires, 25 of September of 2010.

Notes in the text:

[1] “… regarding the need for radical changes, the situation we happen to live in at this time is what will make us decide in one direction or another. “On the other hand, situations change, and the future will perhaps avail of requirements that at present are not sufficiently felt by us.” "Epilogue" of "Self-Liberation", by Luis A. Amman. Point 2. The Human Being in Situation and Not As Isolated Subjectivity D. Proposal of situational Self-knowledge.

[2] Fortnightly Contact. August 25 1977. From: Argentina National Liaison. To: World Liaison; National liaisons; and other School members. No: 20.

[3] The underlined belongs to the original.

[4] See “The Book of The Community for Human development”. Chapter III. Formative Themes. E. Themes on Action in General. The Change and The Crisis, page 63, Buenos Aires, 2009.

[5] Notes from retreat at Farellones (Chile), April 1, 1990. Notes of the respective meetings of Councils Perseus and Phoenix on January 6, 1990 (Mar del Plata). Also see, “Themes of the humanist construction,” by Jano Arrechea, in Application Themes, 55. The Jubilee and the vital, page 91, published in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on January 2004.

[6] "Epilogue" of "Self-Liberation", by Luis A. Amman. Point 2. The Human Being in Situation and Not As Isolated Subjectivity D. Proposal of situational Self-knowledge.

[8] 1. The Most Important Issue: To Know If One Wants to Live, and in What Conditions. Fifth Letter to My Friends; Silo, Complete Works Vol.1.

[9] The Book of The Community for Human development”. Chapter III. Formative Themes. A. Various Themes. The Aphorisms.

[10] Silo, Complete Works, Vol. 1. Humanize the Earth. The Human Landscape. XV. Giving and receiving.

[11] Referred to in, “Themes of the humanist construction,” by Jano Arrechea, in Orientation Themes, 32. The Criticisms and the Offers, page 55, published in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on January 2004.

[12] See Psychology 1 in Psychology Notes. Silo.

[13] Preparation works required before working with the Disciplines.

[14] Lesson 22 - Review and Synthesis of Self Knowledge. Projects Card. "Self-Liberation", by Luis A. Amman.

[15] Gathering with Silo - Parks of Study and Reflection - Los Manantiales - May 28, 2010.

[16] “Manual of personal formation for the members of the Humanist Movement.” Humanist Movement.

[17] “Manual of Formative Themes and Practices for the Messengers.” Silo’s Message. Centre of Studies of Punta de Vacas, March 15, 2009.


jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009


Practice: Guided Experience: MY POSITIVE ASPECTS

Purpose: This reflection on our positive qualities helps us reconcile with ourselves. It helps us to base our life on stressing the best, since this will give us a sense of proportion regarding our shortcomings, and will finally outbalance them. Besides, this positive outlook will further extend to the way we see others, society, and life in general.

Brief relaxation


I am in a comfortable and quiet place, seated next to a person whom I deeply respect. This person -who is like a guide to me- is very wise, kind, and with internal strength. I feel understood, accepted, and supported by this person. I feel in a relaxed and joyful mood. (*)
My guide tells me: “You came to ask me for help on how to improve your life; so listen very carefully and think over my advice. I will suggest to you something that may not be easy, but is precisely what you need.
“For many years many have pointed out only your negative aspects. They told you about what you are not, what you lack, what is wrong with you, your shortcomings and weaknesses. You got used to seeing yourself as a half empty glass.”
My guide says so, showing me a glass on the table. Actually, I see it as half empty. In front of me there is a full-length mirror. I watch myself in the mirror, and I cannot help noticing some flaws in my clothes, in my body, in my appearance. (*)
My guide goes on saying: “And you got used to being in a continuous struggle against those negative aspects, that is, against yourself. Reflect on this...”
As I remember all those times, people and situations, I see how true are my guide’s observations. (*)
“This stress on negative aspects may have created in you some permanent tensions, a lack of joy, a lack of faith in yourself and, perhaps, feelings of guilt and inadequacy, or envy and resentment. (*)
“But all this may not have ended in you; it may have also extended to the way you see people and situations. If so, it has made you somewhat bitter, critical and hypersensitive, losing faith in others, in society and in the future. (*)
“Now, since you want a change in your life, I would like you to do the opposite. Try to find out your positive aspects, your qualities, your skills, the strong points going for you. (*)
“See all the positive that you have, that you are, the best of yourself. Identify those good things, and accept them wholeheartedly as very much your own. (*)
“Now, I would like you to take a strong resolution to see the best in yourself and in others. Make a firm commitment to try to improve and perfect those qualities. (*)
As I do that, I see the glass on the table as half full. Its liquid is pure and crystal clear. This time I see my reflection on the full-length mirror, and I like the person I see. I am aware that there is room for improvement, but now this does not overwhelm me, since I count on many strong points to do it. I am sure that this change of viewpoint will make me a different, better person. (*)
I want to go out and express this change in my daily life. I thank my guide and I leave the place with an expansive feeling of elation.

Sharing of the experience: Participants share their experience.

Recommendation: The guided experience may be repeated several times until achieving the desired effects. In daily life, we should train ourselves to see the positive qualities in others and in the situations.

Reading (choose from among following):
- Chapter VII. Pain, suffering and the meaning of life - The Internal Landscape - To Humanise The Earth (Silo)
- Paras 19, 20, and 21. Chapter IX. Contradiction and unity - The Internal Landscape - To Humanise The Earth (Silo)
- Paras 2 and 3. Chapter II. Humanness and the external look. The Human Landscape - To Humanise The Earth (Silo)

Discussion: Whose interests does it serve that we lay stress on feeling inferior, inadequate, useless, impotent, sinful, etc.?


Practice: Guided Experience: THE SINKING SHIP

Purpose: This experience identifies different approaches regarding critical situations and lets us reflect on their appropriateness. Finally, the experience suggests a positive and practical approach.

Brief relaxation


I am travelling on a liner. From the promenade deck, I watch the sea bathed by the full moon, and the lights of the distant coast. All around me, there are many fellow passengers, and everybody is having a good time. People are chatting and laughing, surrounded by the music. Everything is fine, proceeding according to schedule. (*)
All of a sudden, I hear a loud thud and I feel a shock in the deck, under my feet. Most people have not noticed it, while some seem to have heard the noise. They stop talking for a while, look around searching for the cause but, unable to locate it, they resume their conversations. (*)
I feel uneasy, because I’m sure I have heard or felt something. Maybe there is something wrong. How can I remain indifferent?
I go down the stairway towards the lower decks, searching for something or someone to account for the noise.
Soon I come across a group of officers who are excitedly discussing something. I approach them, and they tell me that something has hit the ship’s shell and water is flooding the stowage. The ship will start sinking and there is not much time left to evacuate it. (*)
I go back in a hurry to warn my fellow passengers, and help them for the evacuation. I reach the lounge and the dining room where they are talking, dining, and dancing, unaware of the impending danger. Through the loudspeakers, the captain gives out the news and instructions for evacuation. While the music is still going on, confusion breaks out around me.
Next to me, some of them. obviously high on alcohol, make fun of the announcement, dismissing it as a mistake or a joke. Others, instead, advise: “Don’t you worry, everything is going to be all right. There is nothing we can do. And we better not do anything, since the officers will surely fix the problem.” And they merrily resume what they were previously doing. (*)
However, some women and children start sobbing, while next to them someone sombrely states: “O sure! There is nothing we can do about it. But the officers will not be able to manage anything. This is bound to be a disaster. Even before boarding I knew that something was wrong, that this was going to be a bad trip.” And some nod their agreement, while others shake their heads in despair. (*)
I turn around and see that some have opened, started reading something aloud from a book, while others have closed their eyes and started praying. There is little I can do here, so I leave the place and go back to the upper deck. (*)
Here, I see a man, quite overweight, and sweating from the effort of trying to ready a lifeboat to save himself and his family. Others try to prevent it, just in order to take his place. Angry arguments and fighting ensue. As this racket goes on, a lady cries that somebody has just snatched her gold chain. I wonder how can somebody .... (*)
Next to me, coolly witnessing the scene, a man looking like a character out of a Hindi film, says: “See? Why to worry about them? They are a bunch of idiots. They don’t deserve anything better, and they will get their due.” I reflect on these words for a moment. (*)
I see that some other passengers stand apart with an air of resignation, trying to muster up courage. They are stiff as military men, as though anticipating the worst. I observe them and try to understand their attitude. (*)
Now, I make a fast reflection. I know there are life-jackets and lifeboats for everybody. Besides, the coast is not very far. By now, the officers must have broadcasted our SOS. It is clear that everybody can be saved, if we don’t end up trampling each other.
The officers are now readying the lifeboats. So I join them and help them in distributing the life-jackets and organising the evacuation. I help a mother and her children and after that, an old couple who are too weak to fight their way. I make others stand quietly in line, giving priority to women, children, old and ill people. Others start following my example. (*)
We are now sailing towards the nearing coast. The dawn makes everything visible. In spite of their sad faces, everybody seem to be safe. The old couple smile at me in gratitude. I also smile to myself and feel a deep sense of satisfaction. I did the right thing, and I am sure I would do it again. I am thankful that, in spite of the pressures of the emergency, I neither betrayed the people nor the best of myself. (*)

Sharing of the experience: Participants share their experience.

Recommendation: These different stances can be related to everyday situations, seeing them in ourselves and in others. Reflect on what is the meaning of betraying ourselves or others, and how to avoid it.

Reading (choose from among following):
- Paras 3, 4, and 5. Chapter X. The Valid Action - The Internal Landscape - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Principle 10. Chapter XIII. The Principles. The Inner Look - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Point 1. Some stances in front of the present process of change. Letters To My Friends (Silo).

Discussion: How do the above attitudes apply to the present crisis in society?


Practice: Guided Experience: A POSITIVE APPROACH

Purpose: Inadequate role models prevent us from getting the best out of social relations. This experience invites us to train our imagination with positive roles, thus enabling a similar approach in actual everyday situations.

Brief relaxation


There is a get-together going on. My family, relatives, and friends are here. There is a joyous atmosphere all around me. They all chit-chat and laugh, while the music is playing. The dresses, the lights, and the decoration add multiple colours to the scene. I also feel joyful. (*)
I help in organising the snacks and the drinks. I take some on a tray and offer them to the invitees. (*)
Smiling, I welcome some new arrivals, and make them feel at home. (*)
I notice someone who is keeping aloof, perhaps feeling shy. I approach this person and introduce myself. We exchange a few comments, and then I introduce this person to others. (*)
I notice that some of the guests are very elegant. Some others seem very gentle and sympathetic. I observe others, how they relate to each other, and try to guess how they are feeling inside. (*)
There is someone who is out of tune with the rest. This person is rather aggressive and critical. I try to guess why this person is behaving that way. I guess there are tensions and problems behind such an attitude. (*)
Overcoming my initial reaction, I go and ask this person about various matters until the root of tension comes up. I encourage this person to feel free and open up. I just listen sympathetically. After this relief, this person is more relaxed and mixes with the rest. (*)
Now I am in a group. It is my turn to speak. They ask me about my projects, my opinions, my things. I elaborate on everything. Without any embarrassment, I speak sincerely with enthusiasm and conviction. (*)
The get-together is ending. Slowly, the invitees are leaving the place. There are the last-minute jokes, laughter and goodbyes. I feel related to all of them and satisfied with myself. I think that, for me, meeting them was more than just a formality.

Sharing of the experience: Participants share their experience.

Recommendation: Notice the roles you could not play, and their connection with actual situations. Repeat the experience until being able to play them in your imagination, and check your progress in everyday life.

Reading (choose from among following):
- Points 5 and 7. Chapter III. The External Landscape- The Internal Landscape - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Principles 4, 10 and 12. Chapter XIII. The Principles. The Inner Look - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Page 47. Second para. First Letter. Letters To My Friends (Silo).
- Page 71. Point 5. Direction and change of situation. Third Letter. Letters To My Friends (Silo).

Discussion: Why it is necessary, possible and desirable to overcome self-enclosure and lack of communication in our immediate environment.


Practice: Guided Experience: AN IMPORTANT DECISION

Purpose: Decisions on important matters are best made after relaxing. Otherwise, we risk being carried away by internal and external pressures into disorderly thinking and, consequently, taking the wrong steps. This experience introduces us to the sensations accompanying relaxation and decision-making, which can later be used in actual situations.

Brief relaxation


We are on a week-end holiday, in a mountain tourist resort. My friends are busy, noisily deciding what to do next. My heart is uneasy, and I feel like being on my own for a while. So I tell them that I will join them later, and I start walking up towards the top of a nearby hill. (*)
As I climb the slope, I notice the monkeys in the trees around me restlessly jumping around, quarrelling, and making noise. My mind is also restless and my thoughts resemble those monkeys. (*)
Now I have reached the top of the hill, leaving everything and everyone behind. Being mildly tired by the exertion, I find a fine spot to sit and rest. Here I am, finally, alone with myself. In front of me, the scenery unfolds with an unlimited view in all directions. Down below in the valley, hardly visible, I glimpse the city from where we have come. All the noise, frenzy and pressures belong there. Here, only peace and silence reign. (*)
The weather is mild, and the air is pure. The sun is bright and the sky is clear. A soft breeze freshens me. I breathe slowly and deeply, but gently. As I breathe in, all this peace and silence fill my whole being. As I breathe out, all my tensions and worries are expelled from me. (*)
My mental turmoil subsides noticeably as I follow my breathing. After a while, I feel lighter, completely relaxed and fully aware. My mind is now cool, calm and collected. I can focus it at will on whichever object I want. (*)
This is the condition I have yearned for during the rush of the last few months. I know that this situation will not last for long, so I decide to make good use of it. I will reflect on that important decision that I have to take, and that I have postponed until now. I focus my attention on it. (*)
Clearly and deliberately, I pose all the facts and factors that play a role in this decision. Images associated with them cross my mind, but they cannot carry me away. When I notice I am about to lose my coolness, I regain my balance with a deep breathe. (*)
I carefully balance the pros and cons of every major alternative course of action. (*)
I foresee the long-term consequences for me and for others of my possible decisions. (*)
Finally, the best among all possible alternatives dawns on me. All the pieces of the puzzle click harmoniously into place. (*)
I recognise my decision as sound since I am not a prey of usual compulsions or internal violence. Although it may entail effort and difficulties, deep within me I feel that it is the right course of action. My mind and my heart are in agreement. Thus, my actions will carry the strength of internal unity. (*)
Energised by this breakthrough, I stand up and, looking at the distant city, I make a silent affirmation. Within myself, I thank having delayed this decision until now. Otherwise, external pressures and my own internal tensions would have taken over and misguided me. (*)
Now I turn around, and with firm steps I start going back, down the slope, heading towards the tourist resort. As I pass them by, the monkeys watch me in silence. I smile to myself, even as my friends greet my return with their jokes and laughter.

Sharing of the experience: Participants share their experience.

Recommendation: The attitude that is trained through this experience should later be applied whenever crucial decisions are to be taken. The work with the Internal Guide can make this attitude even deeper and stronger.

Reading (choose from among the following):
- Chapter VII. The Rider and His Shadow - The Internal Landscape - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Points 1 and 2. Chapter IV. Dependence. The Inner Look - To Humanise The Earth (Silo). (Important: Note that it refers to the beginning, not to the culmination of the inner road).
- Points 1 and 2. Chapter XV. The Experience of Peace and The Passage of The Force. The Inner Look - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Principle 8 and 11. Chapter XIII. The Principles. The Inner Look - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Pages 85-87. Synthesizing. Third Letter. Letters To My Friends (Silo).
- Point 5. Direction and change of situation. Third Letter. Letters To My Friends (Silo).

Discussion: Who or what takes the important decisions of our lives?


Practice: Guided Experience: THE TIMECRAFT

Purpose: What we believe about the future is just a belief, not a fact. The future is not written, but is built through the choices we make. However, beliefs --either positive or negative-- actually condition the way we think, feel, and act. Therefore, it is important to have faith in our own future; in the future of our immediate environment, and of humanity in general. This will make us, and those around us, live better lives. Moreover, this increases the chances that our faith will be supported by facts.

Brief relaxation


My friend and I are with a group, visiting our most advanced technological research institute. Our tour guide takes us through various halls and laboratories, explaining in simple terms the ongoing research and the breakthroughs made. We are shown devices to make water drinkable, to get electricity from natural sources, to eliminate pollution, and many more. They are all inexpensive and safe, both for human beings and nature. (*)
I remain behind with my friend, commenting on one of these gadgets. All of a sudden, we hear an amiable voice saying: “Oh, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is more than you can imagine.” The voice sounds uncannily familiar. We turn around to face a smiling old gentleman, with long white hair and beard. He must be one of the researchers, since he wears their white overall with an ID card on the breast pocket. It reads “Dr. I. Hope.” In his pleasant presence, I feel that we have met before, but I cannot tell when or where. (*)
“Is that so?” My friend sounds amused and challenging. “Then, prove your claim.”
“I would, if you could spend just a little of your precious time.” Still smiling, the old man puts the ball in our court. I hesitate, doubting whether he is serious about it. “Well, then, young ones?” He prods us further.
My friend and I read an interrogation mark on each other’s face. However, my curiosity has been aroused. So, I take the lead, and giving my friend a quizzical look, I reply with humorous defiance: “Please, Sir. Try and amaze us.”
“Then, follow me, and see for yourselves.” He starts walking, showing us the way. We follow him going up a nearby staircase and, down a corridor, until we reach a laboratory. At the entrance door, marked with high security warnings, he places his hand on a luminous plate. The heavy door opens with a hiss, and, once we all are inside, it closes. This looks promising. (*)
The room is quite large and brightly lit, without any other windows or exits. On the door, I notice a big red button with a legend: “In case of emergency, press the button to activate the alarm and open the door automatically.”
In the ceiling, I notice water sprinklers that work in case of fire. On the walls, there are air-conditioning outlets that keep the temperature pleasant and the air clean. (*)
Very sophisticated instruments cover a wall. Monitors display multicoloured graphs, and panels glitter with dancing lights. Strange keyboards and control knobs defy our guesses.
At the centre of the room, there is a sort of big white egg on a platform. Perhaps it is made of plastic, steel, or some other unknown material. I can see that this capsule has a windowed hatch. (*)
The old man explains that this is his own toy, the most advanced research on time. “I have developed this timecraft applying state-of-the-art technology to the ancient wisdom of the sages. It was all clear in the scriptures, which only a few know to read.”
“Now, if you want to try something really new, be my guests.”
“How does it actually work?” I try not to show my excitement.
“You can ‘travel’ either backward or forward in time. Actually, your body does not move, but you feel you are ‘there.’ It is like living a realistic dream. You can be either in the past or in the future. It is completely safe -I tried it myself and it works.” (*)
I am left without words. I could have never imagined something like this. However, I realise this is a unique opportunity. I may solve something that haunts me, something worth knowing: What is the future of humanity? What will be the outcome of these difficult times? Are things going to get better or worse? (*)
I decide to go ahead and try it. I communicate my wish to the old man, who nods and invites me to enter the capsule. Then he closes the hatch, and we communicate through the microphone. I sit on a cushioned armchair, having the outline of my body shape. The upholstery is made of flaps hanging from all sides. Following the old man’s instructions, I wrap those flaps round my body, arms and legs. When I zip them up, I look like an astronaut. I feel quite comfortable and can move my limbs freely. I put on strange gloves and a big helmet. Inside the helmet. Inside the helmet, which covers my eyes, is a television screen as wide as the range of my vision. For the time being, all I see is white light around me. I realise that all this is connected to the instruments outside. (*)
All throughout my body, I feel a vibration. A pleasant sensation of a mind shift numbs me for a second. Then, a scene begins to take shape. People and cities, known and unknown, unroll and turn around me. I am not sure whether I am witnessing it or I am in it. Everywhere, there is confusion and uncertainty. Like watching a movie trailer, I learn about growing unemployment and mass hardships; mental disturbances, drug-addiction, and suicide; crime, market crashes, riots, and wars. Old social pillars collapse and paper tigers fall apart. Individualism pervades the masses retreating into fundamentalism or the foolish pursuit of pleasure and escapism. I witness all this, unable to do anything about it. (*)
How far ahead of my own times am I? How many months or years am I witnessing? In the central square of an unknown metropolis, thousands celebrate as multicoloured fireworks burst in the dark sky, and a huge screen announces the turn of a new year. I realise it is the end of the old --we have reached the turning point.
As I stand watching, somebody seems to notice me; and, coming closer with a broad smile, gently smears my forehead with a dash of golden powder. (*)
As I keep peeping into the future, I notice things I have missed before --so engrossed was I in the negative. I see Life stirring everywhere, among the debris of the old world. I see common people coming together, joining hands, and reaching out for others in solidarity. I grasp a new sensibility blooming simultaneously throughout the world. It is a chain reaction that gathers momentum. A new meaning is arising, and the previous darkness is dispelled. It is the end of mankind’s childhood, it is the end of violence. I see new bonds being established. So far unthinkable, positive developments start taking place until, finally, the wealth of humanity is shared by all. It is the dawn of a new era, the dawn of the universal human nation. (*)
Moved by this indescribable scene, deep within my heart something breaks free, sending out waves in all directions, expanding far beyond my old self. As I let myself be taken by the experience, every shape melts into pure light, into a timeless silence... (*)
“Are you all right?” I notice concern in the old man’s voice.
“Yes, I am,” I reassure him while getting rid of the helmet, gloves and the rest. “Much better than ever before!”
As I step out of the capsule, he says: “Sorry to have interrupted you, but I had to stop it before time. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go. By the way, now --as ever-- the choice is yours.” Then, he bends his head, and darts out of the room. After some hesitation, my friend and I also leave. Going down the staircase, we come across our tour guide. Impatiently, he demands: “Where have you been all this while? I was searching for you all over this place!”
My friend apologises: “We were upstairs, in Dr. Hope’s laboratory.”
“Come on, my dear friend! I know all the researchers, and there is no-one by that name. Besides, I checked it myself, and upstairs there is nothing but empty rooms to be assigned to future projects.”
“Aha!” My friend and I say in unison, and start to laugh. Our tour guide looks at us as though we are crazy. Then he retreats, turns around, and, nervously, starts walking back to the group, still turning his head in our direction.
We follow him slowly, and join the others. Many questions buzz in my mind, but my heart is filled with a strong positive faith that I will express in my everyday life.
Joyfully, I shout at our guide: “So there is room for future projects, you said? You can bet on that!”
Turning around and smiling, he cracks: “Anything you say. But you would be more credible without that golden powder on your forehead!”

Sharing of the experience: Participants share their experience.

Recommendation: Give hope and encourage the best in others. Get yourselves used to seeing the good aspects of life and of your activities. Get yourselves used to seeing the good aspects of your immediate environment: family, couple, work companions, neighbours and friends. Get yourselves used to promote faith in the future, in humanity, in life. Make things positive!

Reading (choose from among following):
- Chapter XIV. Faith - The Internal Landscape - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Pages 66-67. The positive factors of the change. Second Letter. Letters To My Friends (Silo).
- Paragraphs: “Good is what affirms: ‘There is still a future.’ Bad is to say: ‘There is neither future nor meaning in life.’ “ “Because, if faith in oneself...,” till the end. Message given by Silo - Souvenir November 1, 1981 (Bombay).

Discussion: Naive faith, fanatical faith, faith with foundation.


Practice: Guided Experience: THEIR POSITIVE QUALITIES


Purpose: It is important to be equally capable to see the negative and the positive sides of everything. Moreover, it is very useful to be able to shift from one standpoint to another. Still, it is up to us to decide which qualities outweigh the others in the final balance. Since present times make negative attitudes an easy pattern to fall into, we propose an exercise to educate a positive view of people and situations. This capacity will also make us less prone to be swayed by the suggestion of negative environmental influences.

Brief relaxation

It is holiday time and we are at a funfair. I am accompanied by family members and some of my best friends. All around there are people, having a good time. Children are playing, having cool drinks and ice cream. The whole place is coloured with small lights, balloons, ribbons and garlands.
Strolling at a leisurely pace, we go on playing games at various stands, watching the show at others. There are rides and puppets for the small ones, and also curiosities such as strong men, bearded women, fire eaters and what not. (*)
Obeying an inner call, I feel like walking a little ahead of the group which is hanging around one of the stands. As I keep moving ahead, I notice an old lady seated behind a table on one side of the path, away from the crowd. Her dress is exotic, but vaguely familiar. An oil lamp burns, dimly illuminating her face. Slowly she shuffles a deck of strange cards.
She seems to be a sort of soothsayer. She stares at me as though recognising me, smiling knowingly. She nods me to come closer. Hesitantly, I go and sit on a low stool in front of her. Her face is criss-crossed by wrinkles; but those are wrinkles from smiles and laughter. Her eyes are piercing and bright, with a spark of humour.
“I will tell you your future, young one, if you help me along.”
I guess this is some new style of fortune telling, so I collaborate. “Well then, how can I help you tell my future?” I say -half bemused, half intrigued.
“Here,” turning a card,” Is your family. I’ll tell you what irks you about them.” When I stare at the pictures on the strange card, they seem to grow larger and come alive while she tells me, accurately, my grouses against them. I feel nonplussed, but I agree she is dead right. (*)
“Now you tell me what is positive about them,” she says. I manage to come up with a few things. I am amazed myself, since I have never felt this way about them before. (*)
“Then,” turning another card, “these are your relatives.” I see them on the card, while she tells me exactly what I think is wrong with them. (*)
“Is there anything good going for them?” she scornfully asks.
“Of course!,” I say, almost indignant. And I list their positive qualities I have never thought of before. (*)
“This is your everyday life,” she shows me another strange card. “And these are your complaints about it.” She describes my everyday complaints. (*)
“But you do recognise that it is not that bad, don’t you?,” she asks.
I reluctantly admit to many good aspects of my life, many of which I notice and acknowledge for the first time. (*)
“Now, this is a real test.” She turns another card on which I see the person I dislike the most. She tells me all my criticisms about the character. (*)
“Things may be as I told you or may not. But make an effort to recognise at least one positive trait in this person.” I agree it is challenging, but I try my best to be impartial. (*)
“Well, young one, if you spoke sincerely and tried sincerely, then your future will be brighter every time you do this. Your future is written in your thoughts. Thoughts produce and attract actions. Thoughts with faith produce and attract stronger actions. But thoughts repeated with faith produce and attract the maximum strength in actions.” I reflect on her words. (*)
“Remember: At every cross-road you make a choice. And accumulating choices you draw your path. That path is your life and your future. Therefore, as the wise man said, love the reality you build!”
“All right, but why did you call me, of all passers-by?” I ask her.
“Things are the other way around. It was not I who called you. You were asking for this since long. And I always respond, if the call is strong enough.”
“Now, you go and take your life in your hands!” She dismisses me with a gesture and a warm smile. I stand up, still dazzled by the experience and the realisation of a great truth. (*)

Sharing of the experience: Participants share their experience.

Recommendation: Get yourselves used to see the positive side of everything and to share it with others. Try to manage in daily life according to what makes situations positive.

Reading (choose from among following):
- Chapter II. The Reality - The Internal Landscape - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Chapter V. The Internal Landscape - The Internal Landscape - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Principle 12. Chapter XIII. The Principles. The Inner Look - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Point 5. Human freedom: source of every meaning. Fifth Letter. Letters To My Friends (Silo).

Discussion: Are the mass media balanced regarding positive and negative viewpoints? Do they equally report positive and negative news?


Practice: Guided Experience: A POSITIVE RELATION

Purpose: Present times make relations difficult in our immediate environment. It becomes increasingly difficult to foresee how relations will evolve. However, we can certainly put the best of ourselves into a relation, thus increasing the chances that things will work well. This entails a review of the terms on which we relate to others. This experience guides us through such review, helping us to improve our relations.

Brief relaxation


I am in a beautiful park, with a person to whom I can openly confide my most personal matters. I would say this person is someone who will not stand in judgement, and will not betray my trust. Besides, my friend has a knack for seeing through my words and into my heart, having a dispassionate approach to personal matters. Still better, this person has no stake in my personal life, and thus I feel I do not run any risk if I talk openly. In sum, somebody who just wants my internal unity, just wants me be at peace with myself and others. (*)
After some time of my beating around the bush, this person asks me straight away: “What is it that is bothering you?” My first reaction is to say: “Why? Nothing!” But I refrain from doing that, and take a moment to order my ideas and reply. Then, I say: “There is a person with whom I have a pending situation. There are some matters which are not clear between us.
“This makes me somewhat reluctant to open up completely with this person.” I continue. “Plenty of time has gone by without any breakthrough. How long will it continue like this? I know I may do something to surmount the stalemate, but I am uncertain about the course of action.”
“Who is that person?” My friend softly asks.
I reply, not without some hesitation, for I was unwilling to acknowledge it even to myself. (....)
“Well then,” my friend says, ”now tell me about the main aspects of the situation.” I tell everything as I understand it. (*)
“All right. Now tell me how do you feel about it.” This time I try to be as sincere as possible. (*)
“Tell me, have you tried your best to communicate with that person? Did you try different approaches and in different opportunities? Did you honestly try to bypass your pride?” I reflect along these lines. (*)
“Besides, did you ever try to put yourself in the person’s shoes? Try to understand how this person may feel about all this.” I guess there may be something useful in this, so I make the effort. (*)
“And what about possessiveness? How much have you tried to shape this person’s feelings, views, and behaviour according to your own views? How much have you refused to accept the person as the person is?” I try to be sincere. (*)
“There is a golden rule for human relations. You should review your relation with that person on its basis. That is, did you try to treat that person the way you would have that person treat you?” (*)
“Finally, there may be aspects you only know; aspects that perhaps you may acknowledge only to yourself, aspects related to the agreement between your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions. See what is there.” At my friend’s behest, I delve deep into my feelings, motivations, and other factors I only know. (*)
Now I feel I have a much better insight of my relation with that person. I have got a few hints to try a different, more positive approach. While I am still reflecting, engrossed in these realisations, my friend looks at me and smiles knowingly. Then he says: “To feel the humanness in the other is to feel the other’s life as a beautiful and multi-coloured rainbow that moves further away in the measure that you want to stop, trap or snatch its expression. Someone may move away from you, but you would find comfort within yourself, had you contributed to break his or her chains, to overcome his or her pain and suffering.” (....)
I am not quite sure whether I understood his words thoroughly. In any case, I feel I should go and meet that person. Thus, I thank my friend for having listened to me patiently and for having assisted me with my reflection. I greet my friend, stand up and walk away happily. The sun, the greenery, the flowers, the birds singing; everything in the park seem more beautiful than before.

Sharing of the experience: Participants share their experience.

Recommendation: Use this guided experience whenever applicable to relations. Although absolute coherence may be difficult in daily life, the search for it gives a positive orientation to our relations.

Reading (choose from among following):
- Chapter V. The Internal Landscape - The Internal Landscape - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Principles 1 to 12. Chapter XIII. The Principles. The Inner Look - To Humanise The Earth (Silo).
- Point 5. The change and the relations among people. First Letter. Letters To My Friends (Silo).
- Any point from 4 to 10. Third Letter. Letters To My Friends (Silo).

Discussion: What would be the effect of applying similar approaches -as those glimpsed in the guided experience- to social relations among groups, communities, countries, cultures?


Practice: Guided Experience: THE WELL OF PEACE

Purpose: The following experience introduces as to deeper works of relaxation, and helps us find peace and joy within ourselves whenever in need. Besides, it enables us to glimpse what may lie beyond the troubled boundaries of our tense ego.


I am accompanied by a group of people. Some are my family members, some are my dear friends. We all are in a beautiful hilly park, which few people know and visit. We have come here to enjoy a holiday together. (*)

We are in the lap of nature, sitting comfortably in a circle under the shade of big trees. (...) The trees are in a meadow that extends all around us, and there are plenty of other trees in which different fruits ripen and flowers of many colours bloom. (...) I can hear the soft sound of pure water running in nearby streams. I listen to the singing of birds, while I watch beautiful butterflies fluttering around. The weather is also very pleasant. (...) I breath the pure air deeply but gently. Throughout my body, I feel an invigorating sensation of well-being. I also feel in harmony with everything. (*)

One of my friends suggests that we all close our eyes, and try to enhance the positive feelings associated to this situation. We all like it, and follow this suggestion. I close my eyes, and become aware of my state of mind, my mood, and my body sensations. (*)

I follow the further suggestions of my friend who, with a gentle and slow voice, tells us: ‘Feel the sensations of your close friend, the body. We will now take a tour of our bodies, bringing a sensation of well-being to it. Let’s start by feeling the sensation on our forehead. (...) Make this a pleasant sensation of softness, of mild heaviness, or freshness. Relax your forehead. (...) Make this sensation of relaxation slide down to your eyes, as though it were fresh water slowly flowing down your body. (...) Then follow that sensation to your nose. (...) Now, relax the muscles of your mouth, and then the jaws. (...) Go down to your neck and relax it. (...) Continue going down with your pleasant sensation to the shoulders, let those muscles loose. (...) From the shoulders, follow the sensations of your body to the upper back, feeling the muscles there and relaxing them. (...) Keep moving down, to your middle back and finally reaching your buttocks, always feeling a pleasant sensation coming to those muscles and melting their tensions. (...)
Now, let’s go back to your shoulders. Feel the pleasant sensation of relaxation in both shoulders, and make it flow from both the shoulders down to your chest. (...) Feel the muscles of your chest dropping their tensions, relaxing, allowing you to breath more deeply. (...) Keep moving this pleasant sensation down to the stomach (...), relax your belly from top to bottom. Let’s leave our bodies completely relaxed. (*)

I feel a deeper sensation of well-being pervading my whole body. My friend continues: “Now, without moving, I want you to hold hands with those sitting next to you, to your left and to your right.” As we join hands, we form a wide circle of togetherness. (*)

“Now,” my friend says, “feel a pleasant sensation, like a positive feeling within your chest, in the middle of your chest, more or less where your heart is.” (...) “Feel that pleasant sensation. Let your mind dive and dwell deep within your chest, where that positive feeling abides.” (...) “Now, gently and slowly, begin to expand that sensation, make it grow bigger and bigger. (...) Feel that positive sensation expanding from the centre of your chest. (...) Feel it expanding in all directions, as your breathing becomes deeper. (...) Feel it expanding; let your breathing follow it. (...) Let your heart open, and follow that positive feeling growing and expanding. (...) Feel that positive sensation reaching your whole body, relaxing it deeply.” (...) As I do it, I follow this expansion with my whole being, letting my heart open up, fearless and happy. (*) (*)

We open our eyes spontaneously. I realise that we have all experienced the same. We remain just like that, silent and happy, with a blissful expression in our faces. Everything looks brighter. We keep joining hands, relishing this rare feeling of togetherness and oneness. In this magical moment, I feel that the pettiness of the “I” humbly bows to the greatness of the ‘We.” (*)

Sharing of the experience: Participants comment on their experiences.

Recommendation: Repeat this experience until mastering it, and every time you need to strengthen your social activity of humanisation. Conduct this experience for the benefit of others any time the opportunity arises.

Reading: Paras 1, 2, and 3. Chapter XV -The experience of peace and the passage of the force. The Inner Look. To Humanize The Earth, by Silo.

Discussion: In daily life, is there any relation between our internal state and our situation of communication, togetherness and solidarity with others? Does any of them produce the other or are they mutually interlinked? Do positive feelings produce good actions, or do good actions produce positive feelings?